Plastics Help Create Environment Friendly Cars

Plastics Help Create Environment Friendly Cars

Many people these days are concerned about the effects that plastics have on our environment. This article will reveal to you one of the many ways that plastic resin can actually help the environment. The automobile industry has started using plastic resins to create more environment friendly automobiles.

While CO2 emissions are on the rise, the federal government has been making some effort to change that fact. In the automobile industry some major breakthroughs for that have been discovered by using plastic when engineering new car parts. Plastics now play a key role in the production of cars, and the benefits include:

Fuel efficiency and the reduction of CO2 emissions: Plastic now takes up about 50% of a vehicle’s volume, but only 10% of a car’s weight. Overall, the bodyweight of cars has been significantly reduced. Since the weight is reduced, it uses less energy and improves fuel efficiency. The weight reduction also aids in the reduction of CO2 emissions, which have been a problem for many, many years.

Better safety features: Did you know that even your seatbelts are made of plastic resins? They are made from polyester, which is a material that is blended with Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET). Seatbelts alone, saved nearly 15,000 lives in 2016. Airbags are also made out of a plastic blend nylon.

Sustainability and the ability to recycle: Metals are known to rust over time, especially with liquids that tend to cause corrosion like oil and break fluids. Using plastics in the production of automobiles ensures that seals and parts are more likely to last longer. Plastic is also easier to recycle than metals are, so the trend of recycling is also becoming more prominent within the auto industry.

Plastic Service Centers is more than happy to assist you with finding the right plastic resin products. Give them a call today at (586)307-3900 to discuss your plastic resin needs today!